Civil Engineering expertise

The Construction Industry

Consultancy in a wide range of civil engineering applications: EnginSoft is your ideal partner for specific project and for the development of integrated tailor made design solutions.

Among the many challenges faced by the industry, the following stand out: compliance with global climate change regulations; the safety and health monitoring of aging infrastructures, which need to be brought up to modern safety standards; cost overruns due to insufficient analysis at the design stage of the project.

These issues are forcing the industry to invest time and resources in the following areas:

  • green buildings, also known as sustainable or high performance buildings; a new field that is gaining quick momentum in the discovery and implementation of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource efficient;
  • new manufacturing processes and materials, which are the main drivers for applied research in the field. Materials typical of other industrial disciplines, such as composite materials, are increasingly being used in the construction industry;
  • more detailed designs to ensure compliance with a broad range of increasingly demanding technical standards;
  • improved assessment and verification of the consequences of rare events associated with significant risk levels for the community in the form of improved fire, seismic and impact analysis of structures in the design phase of a project. The design phase is therefore becoming increasingly important in order to reduce hazards or unexpected circumstances which may have major consequences on the allocated budget.

Today, numerical simulation plays a crucial role in the construction industry. It provides indispensable design tools for the prototyping of new products and structures, resulting in their production at a fraction of the cost that would be incurred if extensive physical testing was used instead. Structural analysis, in which numerical simulation techniques have become the industry standard, provides a palpable example of this.

The complexity of the simulation software available, allows the engineer to deal with most application areas in the construction Industry, even those requiring multi-disciplinary fields such as soil-structure interaction and fluid-structure interaction. Optimization frameworks can be also exploited to drive numerical simulations and to obtain minimum cost solutions, which is of particular importance when facing budget constraints.

EnginSoft offers consultancy in a wide range of civil engineering applications with expertise ranging from the structural analysis of bridges, stadiums and roller coasters to the design of tunnels, to the assessment of offshore installations and the development of expert systems for precast components.

EnginSoft is your ideal partner for specific project related consultancies and for the development of integrated tailor made design solutions.

Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering: Beyond the Otherness between Art and Technique

Structural Engineering

Beyond the Otherness between Art and Technique

Immerse yourself in reading the interesting articles on the vast subject of structural engineering, beginning with a philosophical bent and arguing for the necessity of a skillful and artful intertwining of Engineering, Numerical Simulation, Art and Technology to achieve structures that are both eminently functional yet attractive and appealing. Structural engineers are responsible for the design and construction of complex structures, ensuring their safety, security, and longevity in time against their own physical characteristics as well as their interactions with the environmental elements they contain, harness or withstand, such as wind, water, waves, snow, sand, fire and earthquake.

Seasoned with multiple examples, these pieces also incorporate the many technical aspects of the topic and review the regulatory conditions to be met.

Read the articles

The roller coaster

A design challenge combining excitement and rigour

Read the fascinating article on the origin, history, and evolution of roller coasters from their earliest prototypes in Russia in the 16th century on the banks of the Neva River of St. Petersburg, and then dives into detail on how numerical simulation of roller coasters works to ensure their success both as entertainment and from a safety perspective for users and operators.
It’s a fascinating read, just like these love-‘em or-hate-‘em features that have symbolized amusement parks for almost as long as they have existed.

Read the article
The roller coaster - A design challenge combining excitement and rigour

Our expertise in Civil Engineering


Two-step approach to numerical simulation of fire and smoke propagation

Early stage use in design aids fire protection assessment of buildings and evacuation routes faster and more cost effectively

This article explains how the simulation of a severe fire in a warehouse that had caused substantial damage was undertaken. It explores the use of the fire dynamics simulator (FDS) code, developed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)



Lateral Buckling Analysis of a Cable-Stayed Arch

A brilliant example of how computer aided engineering can assist engineers to contrive an optimal solution to the problem of lateral buckling

The cable-stayed arch on one of the three bridges designed by Santiago Calatrava in Reggio Emilia: a brilliant example of an optimal solution

civil-engineering construction straus7


Accuracy in steel connection design: A practical look at SDC Verifier

The text discusses the importance of accuracy in steel connection design and introduces SDC Verifier, a software solution that streamlines the process. Steel connections are critical components of civil and structural engineering, ensuring the safe transfer of loads throughout a structure. However, designing and verifying these connections can be time-consuming and error-prone due to complex calculations and compliance with various codes and regulations.

civil-engineering sdc-verifier


CFD analysis for ESO’s extremely large telescope (ELT) in Chile: Wind screening performance of the dome and main structure

The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is a 40m-class optical and infrared telescope being built in Chile. The ELT has a complex geometry, with a rotating structure and a dome that must be protected from wind effects to ensure accurate observations. To study the wind flow within the dome, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was created.

civil-engineering cfd ansys


FEA of a Reinforced Concrete Tunnel under Fire Conditions

Fire risk verification of tunnel sections of a railway tunnel located in Florence

In this study the concrete tunnel section is discretized using longitudinal and shear truss fibers, together with stiff coupling elements where a transient heat fire analysis takes place.

construction civil-engineering rail-transport straus7


Integrated Life Cycle Design for Buildings: Invest in Simulation to Increase Comfort and Environmental Sustainability at a Reasonable Cost

Sustainable building design

This article presents a business case for the use of simulation methods and technologies in the construction sector, particularly for decision-support in sustainable building design.

civil-engineering construction environmental


Conduct fatigue checks directly in Ansys Mechanical using SDC Verifier

Template-based design automates future routine work, and automated documentation facilitates report generation

A lot of steel structures such as cranes, heavy machinery and other equipment subjected to repetitive loading is highly likely to develop cracks or failures because of the fatigue damage.

civil-engineering ansys sdc-verifier


Evaluation of dam performance under seismic loads with DCR time history procedure

Using the DCR time-history procedure to determine the behaviour of the dam’s 10.2M m3 of roller compacted concrete

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is situated along the Blue Nile River. Located 500 km north west of the Ethiopian capital Addis Abeba, in the Benishangul-Gumaz region, the GERD will be the largest plant in Africa

civil-engineering construction straus7


Structural Engineering

Beyond the Otherness between Art and Technique

Read the fascinating articles on the vast subject of structural engineering, beginning with a philosophical bent and arguing for the necessity of a skillful and artful intertwining of Engineering, Numerical Simulation, Art and Technology to achieve structures that are both eminently functional yet attractive and appealing.



Johannesburg 2010 World Cup Stadium Roof and Facade Design

An ambitious remodeling and expansion plan for the stadium was initiated

The study analyzed these structures for strength, service and stability conditions before construction.

civil-engineering construction ansys


The Structural Design of Roller Coasters

An integrated CAD-CAE procedure

Engineers will normally need to evaluate a number of different designs, only one of which will result in the final construction configuration. This is why numerical simulation plays an indispensible role in roller coaster design.

ansys civil-engineering construction


Improving the performance of shaped charges and passive ballistic protections

CAE models evaluated using two commercial solvers

In this technical article, the authors discuss the development of CAE models for simulating the behavior of shaped charges, devices used in various industrial sectors, against two types of target – a monolithic steel target and a multi-layer steel-ceramic target – in order to better understand the physics of penetration.

ansys ls-dyna civil-engineering mechanics oil-gas


Structural optimization of a bridge beam section subjected to instability of equilibrium

CAE and numeric simulation guides engineers to an optimal design for structural safety at the lowest cost

This technical article describes how engineers tackled a design optimization challenge to ensure the structural integrity of a section of the beam of a typical steel bridge whose web of main beams was subject to instability.

civil-engineering modefrontier optimization


ME Elecmetal harnesses power of Rocky DEM to improve crusher liner performance

ME Elecmetal — a global supplier of integrated wear solutions for mining, construction and industry — is among the first companies to benefit from Rocky DEM’s latest technology: the Tavares breakage model.

civil-engineering rocky


Cross Validation of the Final Design for the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge

The bridge designed by the world famed architect Santiago Calatrava

The bridge represents an example of a cable stayed mixed steel-concrete structure, where the stay cables are asymmetrically connected to the center of the deck and to the top of the central transverse steel arch.

construction civil-engineering ansys straus7


Earthquake evaluation of a stacker crane deployed in the Mexican Republic

The intralogistics sector uses stacker cranes to transport stacked pallets between racks

Stacker cranes handle pallet placement in the warehouse, moving longitudinally along the aisles between the warehouse shelves to deposit and retrieve loads. Stacker cranes are susceptible to earthquakes that can damage them and the racks around them.

mechanics civil-engineering


Structural Analysis of the Celtic Gateway Footbridge Design

A cable stayed, stainless steel footbridge connecting the port in the Welsh island of Anglesey to the town center of Holyhead

The footbridge is supported by two cable-stayed, stainless steel arches lying on inclined planes, supporting a steel deck with concrete infill.

civil-engineering ansys construction straus7


The roller coaster

A design challenge combining excitement and rigour

A fascinating article on the origin, history, and evolution of roller coasters from their earliest prototypes in Russia in the 16th century on the banks of the Neva River of St. Petersburg, and then dives into detail on how numerical simulation of roller coasters works to ensure their success both as entertainment and from a safety perspective for users and operators.

mechanics civil-engineering construction optimization


Simulating fire extinguishing equipment for historical buildings with Particleworks and Granuleworks

Studies of three methods: a water discharge gun, a drencher, and a firefighting drone

This article presents simulation examples for three types of firefighting equipment for cultural heritage buildings using Particleworks, a CFD software based on the Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) method: a water discharge gun, a drencher, and a firefighting drone.

particleworks civil-engineering