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Rubber fatigue ≠ metal fatigue: thermal effects

Futurities Year 21 n°4
By William V. Mars | Endurica
Rubber fatigue ≠ metal fatigue: thermal effects
Rubber fatigue ≠ metal fatigue: thermal effects


While metals and rubbers both experience temperature-dependent fatigue, rubber's response is significantly more sensitive due to its low thermal conductivity and unique material properties. Here's a breakdown of how temperature impacts rubber fatigue:

  • Temperature Effects: Metals experience only minor changes in fatigue strength with temperature variations, but rubber's fatigue life can decrease by orders of magnitude with the same temperature gradient. This is due to the way rubber's elasticity arises from molecular motion and entropy, which is highly sensitive to temperature changes.
  • Thermal Behaviour: Rubber self-heats during cyclic loading due to its low thermal conductivity. This can lead to large temperature gradients within the material, requiring both structural and thermal analysis for accurate durability predictions.
  • Crack Growth and Temperature: Higher temperatures tend to increase crack growth rates in rubber, reducing its tear strength and overall fatigue life. Conversely, lower temperatures slow down crack growth, improving fatigue resistance.
  • Aging and Irreversible Effects: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause irreversible changes in rubber’s properties, such as increased stiffness or reduced strain at break, depending on the presence of oxygen. This aging effect further impacts rubber's long-term performance.

Endurica's fatigue solvers account for these complex thermal effects, ensuring accurate analysis and helping engineers optimize rubber durability in real-world conditions.

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Endurica provides solutions that put you in control of durability issues of elastomers components early in the development cycle. The Endurica solutions help our clients understand and manage the effects on fatigue life of nonlinear material behavior, component geometry, and complex duty cycles. Endurica has served leading companies in the automotive, medical device, offshore, and consumer products.

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Rubber fatigue ≠ metal fatigue: mean strain effects

The article focuses on the difference in fatigue behaviour between rubber and metal materials. While metal fatigue is often described by a simple rule: increasing mean strain is detrimental to fatigue life, rubber fatigue is more complex and depends on the material's ability to strain crystallize. The text concludes that while tensile mean stresses are always detrimental in metals, in rubber they may be either beneficial or harmful depending on whether the rubber can strain crystallize.

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