The aim of this study was to find the best quality glass-clamping system, through parametric model optimization, for a new pyrolytic self-cleaning oven by Indesit.
Like all pyrolytic self-cleaning ovens the pyrolysis process causes the oxidization of spills and dirt in the oven at temperatures of 450°to 500°C reducing them to ashes. This process produces a high thermal gradient which considerably deforms the glass and can cause ruptures.
The door structure of a pyrolytic oven is made of a triple-glass system, each one separated by an air wall in order to guarantee rapid heat dissipation and to respect the safety regulations that limit external glass temperature to 60°C.
The model provided by Indesit is made of a 3D door model of the oven with the actual glass-clamping system. The door is composed by a 3 glass system, mounted on a specific structure that keeps them parallel and separated in order to allow the passage of the air cooling flow. This model was simplified in order to obtain a complete glass-clamp system to reproduce the real door-clamping solution.
The material provided had some elements, such as, chamfer and a non-functional fillet that were deleted in order to obtain a simplified model that would be easier to analyze. Constraints characteristics and glass geometry were maintained in order to produce an opportunely approximated model.
The study included the following activities:
With the aim of finding an optimal layout of the constraint system that minimizes stresses on the internal glass, the model was parameterized through a series of instructions that allowed modeFRONTIER to manage the geometry and make changes such as to the reciprocal distance and width of the glasses. modeFRONTIER was used to modify the model geometry on each run and to drive the input variables towards the most promising configurations. The results were considered with respect to stress and deformation on the model caused by the thermal gradient applied.
The optimization results in this study met expectations. An appreciable 30 to 40% decrease in stresses was registered with respect to the original configuration, solving the problem of potential glass breakage. Also, the deformations of the optimized configuration were greater than the original ones, which indicated that the design selected provides room for a better movement of the glass.
modeFRONTIER provides a seamless coupling with third party engineering tools, enables the automation of the design simulation process, and facilitates analytic decision making.
modefrontier optimization
In this article, we show that the main turbine characteristics, such as efficiency and exit flow angle, can be sufficiently improved using parametric optimization.
modefrontier energy optimization