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Innovative curve-fitting tool for viscoelastic materials introduced: contributes to sustainability from a materials perspective

Futurities Year 21 n°1
Innovative curve-fitting tool for viscoelastic materials introduced: contributes to sustainability from a materials perspective
Innovative curve-fitting tool for viscoelastic materials introduced: contributes to sustainability from a materials perspective


Have you ever grappled with the nonlinearity of materials? CYBERNET Multiscale.Sim is an analysis system that easily predicts the behaviour and physical properties of materials without needing to rely on actual tests.

In many generic CAE tools, a material's viscoelastic behaviour is represented by a material model that combines the generalized Maxwell model with a shift function. Since there are so many material constants, it is impractical to manually fit the material test data onto the material model. This article describes CYBERNET's new viscoelastic curve-fitting tool, that has recently been released as a feature of Multiscale.Sim, an Ansys Workbench add-on for multiscale analysis.

Compared to the same functionality offered by generic CAE tools such as Ansys, it has the following unique features: the master curve of temperature-dependent viscoelastic properties can be obtained automatically by applying the time-temperature conversion law; three types of shift functions are provided to represent time-temperature conversion characteristics, allowing for a general adaptation of different shift behaviours for different materials; fitting with the Prony series can be performed directly using the dynamic viscoelastic properties instead of the relaxation modulus. In this case, there is no upper limit to the number of Maxwell elements, so good fitting results can be obtained universally for resins with various characteristics.

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