Our Expertise | MECHANICS


Studying the dynamics of cam mechanisms is crucial to ensure reliable, efficient and fast machines


Studying the dynamics of cam mechanisms is crucial to ensure reliable, efficient and fast machines. RecurDyn offers the ability to study complex cam mechanisms to calculate positions, velocities and accelerations, to evaluate possible interferences, and to obtain the loads acting on each component.

In this example, a gluer machine was studied using RecurDyn: the cam was represented using a 2D contact; the bodies were initially considered to be rigid, after which they were also modelled as Full Flex bodies to evaluate the influence of the flexibilities on the machine’s performance.

The model provided useful information for optimizing the cam’s profile, for evaluating the overall motion of the mechanism, and for obtaining the loads that were later used to perform structural verifications.


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An innovative Multibody Dynamics based CAE software

RecurDyn is a superior Multibody Dynamics solution with exceptional contact technology and powerful solver for large scale multibody models with multiple contacts and flexible bodies.



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RecurDyn enables engineers to create full FE models of flexible belts

Faciliitates extraction of stresses and strains from entire structure and takes into account all friction forces, shape and misalignment dynamics and structural flexibility

A virtual prototype of a belt must necessarily include the high flexibility of the belt itself, as well as a detailed description of the contacts. This is another scenario where RecurDyn provides better functionality than its competitors.

multibody mbd-ansys recurdyn